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Sonya last won the day on April 30

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  1. Yes, it is. I wonder what this suggestion for v5 should be? 🤨
  2. Over 70.000. New topics from certain forums only. I have the lot of forums ;). Sorted by create date.
  3. FYI: this app has a very power performance if the block for new topics is used. It has crashed the database of my busy live site within seconds. The solution was to disable the app. I then have tested it on my test server with no visitors. It does not crash, but it slows down even the community with 1 member. 😉 I have uninstalled the app and will not use it, as I have found another solution. Just to inform you and other users and warn to use the topic block.
  4. I would like to see the compatibility with Trader Feedback.
  5. Sonya

    Train the brain

    OK. It looked like a bug to me. I got a notification that someone voted for my entry, but I saw 0 votes while looking at the entry. I would not show the number of votes on the entry if they should be hidden. Or replace 0 with *** or something that indicates: there are votes, but the real number is hidden intentionally. Just a suggestion. 😉 I guess the voter will be confused as well to see 0 votes after he has voted.
  6. Sonya

    Train the brain

    I think we need to show votes if someone has voted. 😉 Or is it a setting?
  7. Use a different email address for the ticket system (other as community email address) Parse incoming emails (new and answers to the existing tickets) into the system Strong spam protection on the support form for guests: spam defense, captcha, email ban filter, IP and flood protection.
  8. I cannot help with the features. I have not used the app yet, but I am willing to try. By the way, Adriano develops something as well. 😉
  9. I'm with you and I know what you mean. Deleted is deleted. I'm also a fan of automation, but I can understand that automated deletion can do more harm than good.
  10. Just as a feature idea for the app. Schedule the deletion and send an email to the inactive user:
  11. As discussed today, I am looking for a solution to delete inactive users from a large board. I would like to delete all users who have never visited the community after they have registered. The reason is to release their usernames and to prune emails to prevent high bounce. Is the app “Inactive users” app ready to use? 😉
  12. Exact. I thought it would go in one pre-defined forum. So, it is merely the same as Create new topic button showing the form without clicking on the button.
  13. I do not know if I am too late to the party. I would like to see more conditions in IPS Advertisement System: Restrict the ad to be shown on Mobile / Tablet / Desktop only Restrict the ad to show in certain apps only (Forums, Gallery, Blogs, etc.) Geo restriction, e.g., show only for the USA. The first two features are in the app above. The last one was an extra plugin/app in the past.
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