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Daniel last won the day on September 29

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  1. I'm happy to share the first video of the bookmarks application for IC5. The IPS4 version was too bloated, it had way too many features which probably only a handful of people used, so I decided to start from scratch. Bookmarks for IC5 has a smaller codebase, it is much easier to maintain and also much easier to implement in other 3rd party applications. This is just a short preview, I'm still working on few features like the AJAX handler to avoid the page redirect, but all in all it's done, including the importer for the IPS 4 Bookmarks Applikation. https://share.cleanshot.com/lVHTrdJT
  2. This application won't be ported for IC5 because there's a much better feature available in the core!
  3. This application was ported to v5 🙂
  4. This application was ported to v5 🙂
  5. This application will NOT be upgraded to v5 and instead I'll have a new application which will provide an importer for the old data. More information TBA next week!
  6. I was working on something like this for v4 but stopped it, it wasn't worth all the work. I may revisit it for v5
  7. This https://www.ic-essentials.com/forums/forum/27-invite-codes/ ?
  8. Unfortunately it won't work with ES. I've mentioned this in the description of the file I haven't found a proper fix for this yet, but TBH, I just got an idea while replying this:D
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