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Daniel last won the day on May 26

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Community Answers

  1. There's a missing permission check for the tab
  2. A new application was released today, which will run the IPS Group Promotion feature for all accounts via a background task rather than having it called when a member logs in. This way you can demote members who weren't online for a while! Special Introduction Price is 14.99€ + tax https://www.ic-essentials.com/files/file/55-run-promotion-for-all-accounts/
  3. Run Promotion For All Accounts View File This application will run the IPS Group Promotion feature for all accounts via a background task rather than having it called when a member logs in. This way you can demote members who weren't online for a while! Submitter Daniel Submitted 06/24/2024 Category Applications  
  4. Version 1.0.2


    This application will run the IPS Group Promotion feature for all accounts via a background task rather than having it called when a member logs in. This way you can demote members who weren't online for a while!
  5. A bugfix release for Tags Manager 1.1.2 was released today https://www.ic-essentials.com/files/file/7-tags-manager/
  6. This needs to be wrapped in a try-catch block // TODO Queue? foreach( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_tags', [ 'tag_text=?', $from ] ) as $row ) { $cache=\IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_tags_cache', [ 'tag_cache_key=?', $row[ 'tag_aai_lookup' ] ] )->first(); there are some circumstances (bugs/3rd party issues) where a tag from core_tags isn't present in core_tags_cache so we need to catch any UnderflowException here
  7. Released:) https://www.ic-essentials.com/files/file/54-inactive-members-cleanup/
  8. I'm happy to announce the availability of https://www.ic-essentials.com/files/file/54-inactive-members-cleanup/ This application allows you to delete old accounts which haven't logged in in the last X days.
  9. View File Inactive Members Cleanup This application allows you to delete old accounts. Once the form was submitted, you'll get a list of all members which will be deleted. At this stage you can still cancel the process, or continue. Submitter Daniel Submitted 05/25/2024 Category Applications  
  10. Version 1.0.2


    This application allows you to delete old accounts. Once the form was submitted, you'll get a list of all members which will be deleted. At this stage you can still cancel the process, or continue. Attention, this uses the default IPS member deletion settings, so the content won't be deleted!
  11. Where/how? I can't find the option to move content from a Forum to a Forum inside a club in the core.
  12. Hi, no sorry, there are no plans for a stand alone app, I would just automate it with Zapier or Make.
  13. Will be done for v5. I have no rush with this, but once I move to v5, everything will be handled via clubs here, so I'll need it then.
  14. I'm happy to announce the availability of a new application in our downloads section. https://www.ic-essentials.com/files/file/53-join-clubs-while-registration/ This applications allows people to join any public club while the registration process
  15. Version 1.0.1


    This applications allows people to join any public club while the registration process
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