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IC Essentials
  • Create Redirects from old topics/pages to new ones

    This article describes how to create a custom redirect in your Invision Community 4 Community with our SEO Essentials application.

    Are you asking yourself why you need a 301 redirect?
    The primary reason to use a 301 redirect is when your site or a page on your site has been moved, and you want to point the user to a new page instead.

    To create custom redirects, visit your ACP, under Community => SEO Essentials => Custom Redirects you can then create your custom redirect.

    CleanShot 2023-10-17 at 13.24.17@2x.png



    Here's a real world example which I'm using:

    I have a top  result for "SEO IPS4" which links to my personal blog. When somebody searches for "SEO IPS4" I'm a top result, but now with my own community where I advertise the application and where I provide support, it makes sense to move the people to this community.

    So instead of just deleting the blog entry https://danielf.dev/news/seo-essentials-an-3rd-party-application-to-boost-your-ips-seo-r25/ it makes sense to redirect the url to my new target  https://www.ic-essentials.com/files/file/6-seo-essentials/ .


    So what's happening now is:

    When people find my site via google, it still links to the old article which I have deleted.
    So I'm not losing the visitors, when they visit my old site, they're redirected automatically to the new article and also Google will slowly realize that the site doesn't exist any longer and that it should redirect instead to the new target.

    Also any backlinks on other sites and peoples bookmarks will still keep working instead of resulting in a 404 page.

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