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Hi and welcome to my first weekly blog post.

Starting today I'll try to post a weekly update sharing what happened here and especially what's happening behind the scenes.

And what's better to start this series, than this busy week?

We have released 3 new applications:

which makes it now a total of 34 available files in our downloads section.
More than I wanted, but yea.. 😄 


Next to this, we have also 2 applications that are being tested here and on other sites, where at least one will be available next week ( 100 points if you can guess which one?!  ) 

But wait, there's more! IPS has dropped a bombshell with their cutting-edge Theme Editor. We're brimming with excitement, and we hope you are too! Kudos to Ehren for an incredible job on this one. If you haven't had a chance to check it out, I encourage you to do so: Invision Community 5 - The All-New Theme Editor.

Next to this, Matt also posted a developer-related blog entry about the upcoming theming changes: https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/devblog/blog/ic5-theme-tools-r14/


Stay tuned for more exciting updates in the weeks to come!

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