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IC Essentials
  • Support Ticket System News


    We've talked in a previous blog entry about our upcoming support system, here's now part 2 with further information.

    We've added a sidebar allowing you to see only the tickets you really want.


    In a previous blog entry we have also talked about the modularity of our upcoming applications, and the support system is the first application which is going to utilize this.

    Instead of one "blown up" application, which has features which you probably don't need, we've created a already feature right base version and we'll provide additional applications enhancing the system.

    With the release of the support system, we'll also have following 3 extensions available with many more coming later:


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    Saved Actions:

    This extension allows the admin to create pre bulk actions, which can be executed with only one click while working on the ticket. 

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    Move To Ticket:

    This extension allows any moderator with permissions to manage tickets to create a ticket from any post.
    The ticket will be created then automatically with the post author as submitted and the post content as ticket content.

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    Associate Purchase to Ticket:

    This extension will add a new field to the Ticket Form, allowing members to associate their purchases to a ticket.

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